This will not, for the time being, be as picture-heavy as I would prefer; like an idiot, I didn't take good pictures of my plants last round, so I won't be able to include good pictures of the full cycle until my next set of sprouts mature sufficiently. However, I've had enough requests for assistance with pepper pruning, that it's worthwhile going ahead and writing the post even with insufficient pictures.
Confetti Bell Pepper in AGFarm24XL, loaded with peppers! |
So, on to the pruning! As with all pruning, it is best done with a sharp set of shears or scissors, that has been sterilized, such as with rubbing alcohol. My personal preference is a pair of embroidery scissors; they are very sharp, and come to a very fine point, enabling you to get in very tight spaces easily. I use them only for pruning, so they don't get dulled or nicked from other uses. I'd be lying, though, if I said I didn't just as often use my fingernails - but sterilization is still important!